Lets Get Things Rolling

The Betty Brinn Children's Museum is right across from the Milwaukee Art Museum, so from our rooftop garden I get to see the wings open and close just about everyday. What a view! I picked up some washer tubing from Home Depot and a Power Head 280GPH pump from Steins Gardens and Gifts for our Omega Garden that was recently planted.

It seems like just moving the lettuce to larger rock wool cubes have really made a difference in the size of the plants. I was very impressed with how much of a difference it makes! 

Bill helped me get the two wheels turning today. Below he is repairing one of the chains that popped off the cogs. I should mention that everything was going fine and this was only AFTER he said, "I am so glad that we got these turning finally, I just wonder what the next proble--" POP "...m will be." Anyway I am glad we got everything fixed now. We also figured out the timing system so when we arrive tomorrow morning the pump and motors should kick on for an hour to rotate the tube and water our plants. It will then come on again at the end of the day, we will adjust this as needed but should provide us with a good starting point.

Stay tuned to stay informed about what is going on in the Be A Maker Greenhouse right here, or visit their web page to see other great programming going on at: http://www.makermke.org/
