A few days ago Pete helped me fully get my 3D printer up and running, you see I feel like an idiot that for the longest time I never checked the power supply and realized that it was a 24v power supply, not the required 12v power supply which ultimately reeked havoc on the electronics of my machine. Resisters over-headed and eventually blew up, thermisters fried, MOSFETs heated up hot enough to unsolder themselves, and various other electrical nightmares.
All that being said, all that failure ultimately led to success. And how sweet that is.
For the past few days I have been running tests on the machine printing hollow-spiral vases, skulls, and Raspberry Pi cases. All of which have printed no problems!
Well, actually that is not completely true.
I am still learning the limitations of my machine, the biggest being the z height. On all three of the models below the printer reached its maximum z height and stopped raising on the final layers, which meant the filament kept extruding on top of itself causing the skull to have a flat head, and the T-Rex Skull unfinished.
All in all, this is the closest I have been to successful prints on my own 3D printer and I am looking forward to throwing a few more files at it and see how things print!
The skull which was the first thing I printed once everything was calibrated correctly.
Spiral Vase that is only one perimeter thick.
T-Rex skull which had to be stopped because my printer reached its max z-height.
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