I am happy...no ecstatic........no OVERJOYED!
I finally have been getting usable prints off my 3D printer, it has literally taken me roughly two years to get to this point, but I have learned SO much and I love it. Looking back I would not trade any of the problems that I went through for a fully functional printer because I feel more confident with electrical projects.
I learned that pushing 24 volts through a Ramps board will cause various electrical problems and probably blow up your hot end 8 or so times. PLA makes a terrible choice for a extruder gear, because it will probably spontaneously explode into hundreds of pieces. I have also learned that in order to get a successful 3D print it depends on if its a leap year, what your mother's maiden name is, and if you ate a pop tart or toaster strudel for breakfast.
(I had neither this morning).
But seriously, those that know 3D printing I hope can relate to my hardships.
I set it up downstairs in my parents workshop and did my own work as it was printing making sure that there was enough slack in the filament to keep printing.
All finished, hmmmmm I wonder what this would look like in aluminum. Maybe my Dad will be receiving an cast aluminum splashman for his wall at work.
The stair stepping texture is caused by the model being built layer by layer.
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