Trying my hand at Lapidary

As the story goes, my Oma's (grandma) father went to Arizona to learn lapidary from a Native American. This was years ago, in fact I was never able to meet my great grandpa because he passed away before I was born, but when I was interested in rocks and minerals as a kid, my Oma gave me all those rock slabs that you have seen me photograph my wooden plugs on. Those all were my great grandfathers slabs that he cut to turn into cabochons, but never got around to finishing. 

I always feel as though I have a lot to prove, and a lot to live up to with such talented people in my family.

So this past weekend I went out to Harbor Freight and picked up a cheap tile saw and diamond blade to try and turn this raw stone into something beautiful.

Moss Agate Cabochon.

Fire Agate Cabochon.

All cut out ready to dome.

I may have gotten a little carried away, but all of these stones are ready to be turned into beautiful cabochons. I hope your smiling up there grandpa!
