Powder Coating Ducati Springs

Yvette had the idea of learning how to powder coat one evening so we drove back to my parents house the following day to give it a shot. I learned how to powder coat back in college and was sure that I would be able to show Yvette how to in no time.

Can I just pause to say how wonderful it is to have a significant other that has an artistic side, who loves to learn new art practices. I love our little art dates.

Anyway, I used this opportunity to powder coat the Ducati fork springs. I decided to go with a red. After spraying the part with an positively charged nylon-based powder, you have to bake the powder in an oven for 15-20 min on 375-400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Once the part is in the oven you will notice a state change from powder to a glossy painted surface. The primary difference between this type of coating and paint is that powder coat is WAY more durable which will be perfect for my fork springs.

Yvettes choice of object that she wanted to powder coat was a Six Flags Superman ring that she wanted to powder coat matte black for a friend. In the above photo you can see her using a trivet to cradle her ring as she has a alligator clip that is making the ring ground (-). 

Unfortunately I did not get any finished photos of either the rings or springs, check back in subsequent posts to learn how everything turned out!

Stay tuned!
